Sunday, June 15, 2014

Transitioning questions

It's dangerous to declare anything about the infinite to be definite, so whenever I proclaim any truth, I leave upon it an asterisk that says "this is subject to the fact that my thought process, at present, is a fixed point and therefore this idea, like all ideas in a quantum reality, is entirely a matter of current perspective".

With that in mind, the fixed idea in mind is that my typical thought processes, as Einstein pointed out, are not what will get me to the next level.  I have a tendency to think in unproductive ways.  Now, I am not suggesting every action must be productive - at least not in this western value-oriented sense.  I do believe the repetition of ideas in a veritable Catch-22 will not allow in the infinite.

How to balance this production-oriented thinking with a universe that is exactly as it is supposed to be?  There are no accidents here, no mistakes, only results and interpretations.  Would you take the amateur or the professional mindset?  A professional has narrowed down his/her method to a few options, whereas the amateur is open to all.  There is value in this perspective as well.  In many ways it is preferable to remain hungry, to maintain that desperate vitality.  But one must not make the mistake of imagining a duck with dreams of being an eagle; only humans presume/preach this sort of symbolic transformation.  A duck is just going to be the best duck it can, and that is its highest purpose.  An eagle is not a state of being a duck even imagines.  Humans think they're just not reaching high enough.

The lilies, as they say, toil not, nor do they spin.  Lilies lily, trees tree, and the earth peoples (among infinite other things).  Consciousness is a state of becoming conscious.  Typing these thoughts is superfluous; I have no followers to change, no attachment to what transforms, no reason to believe I'm right (and no need to be).  Going with the flow doesn't mean a loss of control, just a surrendering.  The system continues regardless of my ability to argue.  I can dream of being an eagle all day, and whether or not I become one is not of consequence.  The same life flows through duck and eagle, mongoose and stoat, blossom and snail, oxygen and Volkswagen, perceptions of gods and acceptance of self as god.  I don't live in fear of the universe that arranged my cells, that designed my consciousness, that breathed desire for burgeoning within me (and by me, I mean this extension of all - nothing is unrelated).  I know and accept islands don't exist, that ducks don't dream for themselves as I might, and that there is any sense in establishing oneself as independent when such a thing only exists in language, not the larger universe.

I accept, as well, that an infinite discourse on these ideas is limited by language.  It is a simplification of infinity and it cannot represent the larger truth in anything but a rudimentary way.  So, if indeed I hoped to say something here, I know I said little.  A fragment, the smallest of the small.  But what's behind it... 

Monday, June 2, 2014


Nature has a remarkable way of reminding one that there is so much more than 
our dumb human problems.

This is one of those faux lakes, but the flora and fauna don't care.  Some of them even seemed to think I was in their way.  But I made no effort to frighten or dominate them.  I just opted to join in.
Some even said hello.

It's worth constant reminder - we're not here alone.