Saturday, June 29, 2013

Idol moments

I find my monkey-mind meanderings to be randomly rocked by alarming alliteration.  It's inexplicable.

Sometimes it passes, though, and I'm left with a simple pensive energy.  Seems like something should be happening, but nothing noticeable is... Is this the idle brain having fun?  Or is my idol brain wanting greater purpose?

Quick jig over the hills today to deposit the kids with their mother, leaving me an overnight to myself.  I expect I might fill the time with some writing.  I'm doing my utmost to not be idle.  And to ignore my idol moments as well... if there's purpose, surely it'll find me.

Friday, June 28, 2013


I'm not engaged in rampant hyperbole when I suggest that 108 degrees is enough to turn the average person into beef jerky (or turkey jerky, for the bovine lovers).  I have opted to remain indoors as much as possible the next few days.

The positive portion of my reason says that this will afford me great opportunity to work on my forever-in-first-gear novel.  I, of course, recognize that the main thing keeping me from getting very far on it is the self-talk about what a huge task it is.  In that vein, I have created a secondary blog ( to act as a repository for both progress and pontification of my literary notions.  I can't promise high drama, sweeping epics, heart-rending romance, or wild neon-lit saturday nights, but it could pass the time while you're waiting for your clothes to finish the spin cycle.

As far as this main blog goes, it will serve the purpose that cell phones seem to do now: a place to yap the banal, the grievances, and the philosophical.  What does it add up to at the end of the Cosmic Showcase Showdown?  Not a lot.  But it keeps us mildly entertained until the next stage.

Stop in, say hi if you're in this neck of the web.